How to see the description for a file

The dvc add command has a --desc flag that lets you add a description for a file or directory. That gets added to the .dvc file but, as far as I can tell, there’s no other way to see it. It seems like there should be an option to dvc list or a dvc info command or something that makes it easier to see these descriptions. Am I just missing it or is that functionality currently not available?

Hi @oliver !

Am I just missing it or is that functionality currently not available?

The functionality is not currently available. There is this open issue Extend the use of `desc` and support it in other dvc commands (e.g. as filter, etc) of the cli/api · Issue #6548 · iterative/dvc · GitHub . Don’t hesitate on upvoting / commenting your use case

Thanks! I up-voted that bug.