Thanks for your prompt reply .
I have another question related to ssh remotes for dvc.
Currently in my config file, the remote url has a ‘hardocded’ to my user name ['remote "base"'] url = ssh://elena@server.lan:/mnt/data
Ideally, I’d want my team to just do: git pull && dvc pull and have everything set.
With my current setup however, they’ll have to manually edit the config file or edit the remote like so: dvc remote modify base url ssh://john@server.lan:/mnt/data
Is there any way to make that dynamic or use an environment variable($USER) in the config instead?
We are actually currently defaulting to getuser()(i.e. $USER) if user is not specified in the url or with the dvc remote modify base user john, so it should actually work as is. Have you tried it?(i.e. just removing user from your url)
Ah, I see. In such case, you and your colleagues could use .dvc/config.local, which is a “local” version of .dvc/config, that is set to be ignored by git, so it stays on your machine in your repository. You and your colleagues will have to set it up just once when they first clone the git repository. The syntax would be:
dvc remote add --local base ssh://john@server.lan:/mnt/data