Hi @Shami! It looks like that stage expects the output artifacts/training/model.h5. Please make sure that this file gets generated by that Python script.
That dvc.yaml shows that src/cnnClassifier/pipeline/stage_03_training.py should create artifacts/training/model.h5. The error states that this file is not found at the end of that stage. The python script may run but not create the expected output file. Since you have defined that file as an output of the stage, DVC will fail if the file is missing after the script is run.
That is entirely up to your script in src/cnnClassifier/pipeline/stage_03_training.py. Do you expect that script to create the file artifacts/training/model.h5? DVC is checking that the output you specified in that stage is in fact being created. You can check that your script creates that file or drop that path from the outs in dvc.yaml.
Maybe I can try to explain it differently. This is what will happen when you run the stage with DVC:
DVC will check if it needs to run the stage by seeing if the files under the deps section in dvc.yaml have changed or the values under the params section have changed.
If anything has changed, DVC will execute whatever is in the cmd section (python src/cnnClassifier/pipeline/stage_03_training.py).
When the script completes successfully, DVC will check whether the files under the outs section exist (artifacts/training/model.h5). If not, DVC will fail because you have listed these files as outputs, yet they don’t exist.
Your training stage here fails at step 3. You can think of it like DVC verifying that the stage does what is described in dvc.yaml. Let’s say you have another stage like evaluation that takes artifacts/training/model.h5 as a dependency. If DVC doesn’t check that it exists at the end of the training stage, your evaluation stage might fail when it tries to load this file.
I was facing the same issue, it was because you haven’t added the main function in stage_03_training.py
add these
if name == ‘main’:
logger.info(f”>>>>>> stage {STAGE_NAME} started <<<<<<“)
obj = ModelTrainingPipeline()
logger.info(f”>>>>>> stage {STAGE_NAME} completed <<<<<<\n\nx==========x")
except Exception as e:
raise e