Is DVC push (and pull) supposed to take a long time?

I have a dataset EXX that is composed of two folders: Folder1 and Folder2

Folder 1 has 13 csv files of 450K each one
Folder 2 has a folder and a file of 2K. that folder has 8 subfolders each one with a json file of 230 M each.

I would like to push this.

Is this supposed to last long? It is taking a long time
and I also got this message

Collecting                                                                                                                                      |34.0 [00:00,  224entry/s]
ERROR: failed to transfer '58bd021b9301916c962c25e0a97c7a46' - [Errno 5] Input/output error
 18%|█▊        |Pushing to local                                                                                                        4/22 [32:42<1:53:53, 379.64s/file]

and what is that hash 58bd021b9301916c962c25e0a97c7a46 mean? I cant seem to find that has in the .dvc folder

and then

Collecting                                                                                                                                      |34.0 [00:00,  224entry/s]
ERROR: failed to transfer '58bd021b9301916c962c25e0a97c7a46' - [Errno 5] Input/output error
ERROR: failed to transfer 'cf52c0f58887b44163c003e39f9374ca' - [Errno 112] Host is down                                                                                   
ERROR: failed to push data to the cloud - 3 files failed to upload 

Host is down indicates that it is a problem with the server where you are pushing the data. Are you able to upload files to the server without DVC?

Well, yes I was able to upload files to the server. However I was at home WIFI and connecting to the server through a DNS.

Now at work connected directly to the LAN and with ethernet, I could do dvc push without problem