How do I use DVC with SSH remote

The problem still persists with 2.7.3 - if you use ask_password, you still get
ERROR: unexpected error - Passphrase must be specified to import encrypted private keys if your key is encrypted. It also does not work if you ssh-added your key.

Downgrading to 2.5.4 solves the issue with the ssh agent for me.

@Luux, your problem should be fixed by ssh: ask password before setting it by isidentical · Pull Request #6615 · iterative/dvc · GitHub

@Paffciu Oh, that was fast! Thanks for the quick fix :slight_smile: (However, I’ll have to wait until next week before trying it.)

All the credit to @isidentical :slight_smile:

There’s now an official guide that incorporates a lot of this info thanks to @jorgeorpinel: SSH & SFTP.