ERROR: unexpected error - OpenSSH private key encryption requires bcrypt with KDF support

Hi all,

I’m using DVC for several weeks, but I’m now trying to use a ssh remote for the first time.
I configured the ssh remote as indicated in the documentation and each time I’m trying to pull or push on the remote storage I get this error:

“ERROR: unexpected error - OpenSSH private key encryption requires bcrypt with KDF support”

I have this error even when I’m providing my ssh password in the dvc config file, or when I’m asking the password with the “ask_password true” option.

My ssh key is using a passphrase and was generated with ssh-keygen (no special CLI arguments).
I’m not sure if ssh-keygen is generating by default a key with bcrypt and KDF support (but ideally I would prefer to use my ssh password and not an ssh private key).

Am I doing something wrong here?
If someone has some insights about this issue, I would be very glad to know how to solve this issue.

Hello @Loic
Would it be possible to post the result for dvc push/pull -v?
And dvc version?


To reproduce this issue, I followed the following steps to set up my remote:

dvc remote add -d ssh_remote SSH_REMOTE_URL
dvc remote modify ssh_remote user USERNAME
dvc remote modify ssh_remote ask_password true

When I’m doing a dvc push I’m receiving the following message:
Enter a private key passphrase or a password for host 'REMOTE_IP' port '22' user 'USERNAME':

And if I type my ssh password (not my private key passphrase as I would prefer to log directly with my account password), I’m receiving this error:
ERROR: unexpected error - OpenSSH private key encryption requires bcrypt with KDF support

The dvc pull command gives me the same error message.

The result of the dvc version command is

DVC version: 2.9.3 (conda)
Platform: Python 3.9.10 on Linux-5.13.0-30-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.31
	webhdfs (fsspec = 2022.2.0),
	http (aiohttp = 3.8.1, aiohttp-retry = 2.4.6),
	https (aiohttp = 3.8.1, aiohttp-retry = 2.4.6),
	ssh (sshfs = 2021.11.2)
Cache types: hardlink, symlink
Cache directory: ext4 on /dev/mapper/vgubuntu-root
Caches: local
Remotes: ssh
Workspace directory: ext4 on /dev/mapper/vgubuntu-root
Repo: dvc, git