Syncing Data to Azure Blob Storage

Feel free to leave comments and ask questions about @milecia’s post on syncing data to Azure Blob Storage with DVC!

Hi @milecia,

I’m trying to learn how to use DVC and because my company has an Azure account I would like to use it for my remote storage.

I installed DVC via VS code, I created the storage account on Azure (granting blob storage data rights), I installed azure cli, and I created a simple project in VS code. What is not working now to me is the push operation. I’m getting the following error running from the VS code terminal the dvc command

& ‘C:\Program Files\Python39\python.exe’ -m dvc push
Collecting |0.00 [00:00, ?entry/s]
ERROR: failed to transfer ‘a00f56bab164804a5725a1bd110ba96a’ - [Errno 2] No such container: ‘https’
ERROR: failed to push data to the cloud - 2 files failed to upload

in my dvc/config file I have

remote = remote-poc-volume-estimation
[‘remote “remote-poc-volume-estimation”’]
url = azure://
account_name = pocvolumeestimation

Do you have any idea why it is not working?

thanks so much

Hi @alecsphys! For the url, you should be setting the container name and any subpath within that container, like mali-test instead of