Queries by metadata of dataset files

Dear suport, could you help me in how can i retrieve some files by making some filters to the dataset using their metadata?
id dialect age genre clips sintaxTags phonemes utt …
0 min 50 m 16 …
1 nord 35 f 35 …
2 min 36 f 24 …
3 min 20 m 2 …
4 rio 24 m 60 …

query = select * dataset where dialect==‘min’ & clips < 30
data = train(query)

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@c.cuadros it is an interesting scenario. We do not support such filters right now but designing a new labeling solution for cases like this.

It would be great to know more about your use case. It can help us to build a better labeling solution. Please let me know if you have time for a quick chat. My email - my first name @dvc.org. My first name is the same as login.