How to run dvc exp without pulling all dependency graph

I have the following situation:

  • I have huge pipeline with ~25 stages
  • I need to run only last 5 of them on ~10 different servers
  • I don’t want to download all artifacts from all 25 stages
  • I found out that I can run dvc repro dvc.yaml:train --allow-missing --downstream and it will work ok if I manually run download of necessary artifacts only for train
  • But when I run the same but with dvc exp it gives me an error on DVC file that is not downloaded, and I don’t want it to be downloaded, so --allow-missing didn’t help here

So, my question is - Is there any way to run experiments without downloading all artifacts? Of corse I assume case when there is no other changes i.e. in code or other. So, all is up to date. I expect from DVC to check that there is no changes and download only those artifacts that are deps for actually running stage. Maybe I missed something or it’s not possible, but for now I can’t get why DVC need to download data that wasn’t changed and is not necessary for current experiment.