Error. Run exp in queue

Hi every one,

I am trying to run experiments, but I have an error.

There is a russian descriptino which may be translated as ‘System can’t find the the path: …’

 dvc exp run --run-all
Following logs for all queued experiments. Use Ctrl+C to stop following logs (experiment execution will continue).

ERROR: failed to reproduce 'prepare': [WinError 3] Системе не удается найти указанный путь: 'D:/GD Anton/dev/data/04.dvc/.../.dvc/tmp/exps/tmp6dmdtojk/data/init/...'
ERROR: failed to reproduce 'prepare': [WinError 3] Системе не удается найти указанный путь: 'D:/GD Anton/dev/data/04.dvc/.../.dvc/tmp/exps/tmp6dmdtojk/data/init/...'
Failed to reproduce experiment(s) 'shoed-teat'

I have deleted the tmp folder before because there weren’t permissions for others files it to relauch exp repro.

It there any way to relaunch some process in dvc to have an ability run experiments?

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I guess the reason was in that I added data folder in .gitignore file. And how I understand data files should not be ignored by git to run experiments.

Hi @AntonTroitskii! Glad you fixed the issue. Are you familiar with using DVC for data versioning to track your data? That would allow you to keep it .gitignored while still working with experiments. If you don’t want the data tracked by either Git or DVC, you could use dvc exp run --queue --copy-paths data, which will copy the data folder to the temporary directory where the queued experiment runs.

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Thank you for your reply.

I am not familiar with DCV. But I didn’t mind that it creates copy of all files and pathes in seperate subfolder of tmp folder :slight_smile:

Great! If that’s a static dataset that never changes, that’s probably good enough. If you ever make changes to it, you might want to take a look at Get Started: Data Versioning to find how you can track those changes in a git-like way without having to commit/push large datasets to git.

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Thank you for your advise and your quick reply.

There is something that confused me. I want to clarify some moments of ineractions git and dvc. Is there any information about this?

The link above would be a good place to start. If you have specific questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!