Commit only file changes

Imagine I have the following situation

  • dvc pipeline depends on huge file & one script
  • script has changed and I’m sure that this change has no effect to the data
  • I want to update dvc pipeline to make dvc.lock have correct hash
  • I run dvc commit dvc.yaml --force but getting an error that huge file does not exist
  • I can run command on other machine where this huge file is downloaded & everything is ok

Is there any way to do dvc commit ignoring binary files that are not even downloaded?

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It’s an interesting scenario. I think we need something like dvc commit --allow-missing similar to dvc pull. I don’t know from the top of my head if there is a way to ignore it tbh. Can you create a feature request on GH? We would also appreciate a contribution for a scenario like this - should be probably “easy” to implement.

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