Trouble modifying and saving dvc data file which lives outside the repo

We have about 7000 data files all covered by the one .dvc file, so a git log just tells us that one or more of them changed.
We’re considering changing to have one .dvc file per data file so that we could see changes recorded to the .dvc files with git.
However, the dvc doc says that it is not recommended to use one .dvc file per data file if there are a lot of data files.
Is there a reason we should not change to one .dvc file per data file?


I noticed a feature request which seems to provide some of what I am looking for:

status: granular output for directories #2180

I have two questions:

  1. How do I find out when a feature is expected to become available.
  2. How do I add a modification request to a feature request.
    (The current feature request shows the changed status of the workspace. It would be great to be able to query changes between commits.)


  1. I don’t think there is a straightforward way for that. What you could do, is to upvote the original issue, and write comments with your use case, pointing out what would you expect from this feature. That way, we see that users are interested in this particular issue and we can see it from few points of view and hopefully implement it in a way that would satisfy all users. Your comment on that issue would also be a solution to question number 2.